Top Ten
Top 10 Strange Phobias
Posted on: 01-11-2013
A lot of people have at least one phobia and they might not even know that it's a phobia. Here are the top 10 strange phobias.
10. Fear of going bald - Phalacrophobia
A lot of men and women have a fear of going bald. This is a very common and yet strange phobia.
9. Fear of laughter - Geliophobia
Some people have a fear of laughter or either they have a fear of people laughing around them.
8. Fear of insanity - Agateophobia
Do you ever fear that you are going to end up going insane?
7. Fear of toads - Bufonophobia
I must admit that I do find toads to be scary.
6. Fear of Church - Ecclesiophobia
Maybe people are afraid because they've been doing the wrong and don't want the preacher to find out?
5. Fear of dinner conversations or either dinning - Deipnophobia
Good excuse to get out dining with the in-laws.
4. Being afraid of the number 666 - Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
It is a scary number.
3. Fear of long words - Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
Long words can be rather difficult.
2. Fear of belly buttons - Omphalophobia
Well, alright then.....
1. Fear of everything - Pantophobia or Panophobia
Do you find yourself afraid of everything? We do live in a scary world.